Saturday, December 10, 2011

Using your Library to Write a Research Paper #4: Writing the Paper [VHS]

Using your Library to Write a Research Paper #4: Writing the Paper [VHS] Review

If you dread writing term papers--and wonder why other students handle them with ease and confidence--here's the answer. When you know what the experts know about how to research and write the paper, the job goes faster and the paper comes out better. The Video Aided Instruction Writing Skills/Research Paper Series is designed for the middle school, high school, or college student. Whether you're writing your first term paper or your fiftieth, you'll find valuable tips, tricks, and insights that will make the work faster and more productive--and boost your grades, too! Turning your research findings into a polished paper will be easier and faster with the proven techniques in this video. Crafting a research paper needn't be exhausting drudgery--and you shouldn't have to guess what your teacher expects to see. This program will give you a step-by-step method that makes it easy to transform rough notes and scribbled ideas into a professional-looking paper you'll be proud to submit. Covers: How to quickly create a workable first draft--including professional tips on overcoming "writer's block"...Making sure the logic of the writing is sound--foolproof ways of "sounding smart" on paper...Practical, simple tips not taught in school for instantly improving writing style...Exactly how to use quotations and references in a paper, with an easy guide to footnote and bibliography forms. One Video/1 Hr. 15 Mins. Item #VAI-774. Volume 4 of Video Aided Instruction's 4-Volume Research Paper/Writing Skills Series.

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