Saturday, April 14, 2012

In Good Company (Full Screen Edition)

In Good Company (Full Screen Edition) Review

In Good Company (Full Screen Edition)

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Dan Foreman (Dennis Quaid) is a loving husband, caring father and star ad executive. But now, life is putting him through the ultimate test. Carter Duryea (Topher Grace), a young hotshot half his age, has just become his boss. And to complicate matters, Dan discovers Carter is dating his daughter (Scarlett Johansson).

It's filled with genuine laughs and you're in good company when you watch this entertaining comedy that Rolling Stone calls "hilarious."

Dan Foreman (Dennis Quaid) est un mari affectueux, un pere attentionne et un directeur de publicite repute. Mais la vie lui reserve une epreuve de taille quand Carter Duryea (Topher Grace), un jeune genie qui a la moitie de son age, devient son patron. Pour compliquer les choses, Dan decouvre que Carter entretient une liaison avec sa fille (Scarlett Johansson).

Vous rirez de bon coeur et serez en bonne compagnie avec cette comedie amusante que Rolling Stone qualifie de "tordante".

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